Wednesday, October 17, 2012

9 month check up!

weight: 19 lbs 6 oz

height: 28 1/4 inches

diaper size: 3

clothes size: mostly 12 months, still a few 9 months, and even a few 18 months!

eating habits: we're getting there, we've been dealing with some food sensitivities, constipation, and switching formula. But for the most part she'll eat  like this:
7 am - 2 jars of fruit, a bowl of oat meal.
10 am - 4 oz bottle
12:30 pm - 2 jars of veggies, and some puffs or gerber cookies, and 3 oz of prune juice
3pm- 4 oz bottle
6pm - 1 jar of veggies, 1 jar of fruit, and bits and pieces of what ever vegetable we're having for dinner, she loves eating REAL green beans and peas! She also enjoys asparagus!

sleeping habits: well, i'll explain more later, but the past month she slept an average of 3 hours a night, it's been a rough month, but we finally figured out why!

movement: she's standing up on her own! and she'll walk if she's pushing something! she likes to push the foot stool around the living room!

favorite toys: her leap frog music table, the vtech crawl ball, and my aunt bought her this new little doll this month it's eyes close when you lay it down and emerson thinks it's hilarious! it's also got a paci attached to it and emerson just chews on it!

teeth count:0! but you can feel 2 on the very button but they're still under the gums.

Doctors appointment: Actually it went pretty well! She completely understood why we chose not to give emerson a flu shot, and just told us that if we ever wanted to get her one just bring her in. Emerson's belly button has been sticking out really far since she had a bad reaction to sweet potatoes and her stomach swelled, so I asked the doc about it and she said that emerson had an umbilical hernia. She said that it usually will go away between 2-3 years but if it hasn't gone away by 3 years they will have to surgically remove it. So we're just hoping that it will go away on its own, and from what i've read online most of them do! Also, emerson has had bad constipation issues where she will cry and scream only a tiny turd (tmi) will come out, so she gave us a prescription and it's helping so far, and she will be on this medicine for 3 months and we will try to take her off of it to see if her bowels have matured any. She also said she thinks emerson is dehydrated and that could be a part of it, so we're having to give emerson prune juice. I've never been a fan of juice for babies so I really didn't want to give her any, but i want emerson to get better, and if she needs help then we will get it for her. And to the sleeping! While the doctor checked emerson's ears and nose, she realized she has a double ear infection. Emerson had an ear infection last month had 10 days of antibiotics, and they didn't work. So for the past month it's just gotten worse and worse and we had no clue. But that is definitely why she hasn't slept at ALL! But they gave her a different kind of antibiotics and she goes back in 2 weeks just to check to make sure it went away. Oh and one question for you girls, what sippy cups do you suggest? We've tried NUK, NUBY, and GERBER. She will only drink a little bit. I refuse to put juice in her bottle so what sippy would yall suggest trying?


  1. Poor thing :( Hope she gets better soon!

    Can she drink from a hard sippy cup, or just the soft nipple ones? I really like cups by Playtex. Like these...
    or these
    But they're the hard ones, so I'm nopt sure if she can do those yet.

    I also really like Munchkin cups... like these...

    Can she drink from a straw? If she can, I really like these...

    Hope that helps!

  2. Poor Baby. Sounds like a rough time for you guys and for her!

    I know you said you didn't like juice for babies, but have you thought about hydrating her with water and then giving her karo syrup in it or looking up more natural ways?

    Hope she starts feeling better soon!
